Effects of depth and light on secondary metabolites and cyanobacterial symbionts of the sponge Dysidea granulosa Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Siliceous spicules and skeleton frameworks in sponges: Origin, diversity, ultrastructural patterns, and biological functions Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Can a sponge feeder be a herbivore? Tylodina perversa (Gastropoda) feeding on Aplysina aerophoba (Demospongiae) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Biogeography of sponge chemical ecology: Comparisons of tropical and temperate defenses Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Morphology and ultrastructure of the swimming larvae of Crambe crambe (Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Chemical defenses of the sacoglossan mollusk Elysia rufescens and its host alga Bryopsis sp. Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Sponge chemical ecology: considering cytology into the equation Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Distribution of brominated compounds within the sponge Aplysina aerophoba: Coupling of X-ray microanalysis with cryofixation techniques Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Silica deposition in Demosponges: Spiculogenesis in Crambe crambe Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Mass recruitment of Ophiothrix fragilis (Ophiuroidea) on sponges: Settlement patterns and post-settlement dynamics Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Microstructure variation in sponges sharing growth form: The encrusting demosponges Dysidea avara and Crambe crambe Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Intracolonial variation in chemical defenses of the sponge Cacospongia sp. and its consequences on generalist fish predators and the specialist nudibranch predator Glossodoris pallida Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Chemically-mediated interactions in benthic organisms: The chemical ecology of Crambe crambe (Porifera, Poecilosclerida) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Multiple functions for secondary metabolites in encrusting marine invertebrates Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Feeding deterrence in sponges. The role of toxicity, physical defenses, energetic contents, and life-history stage Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Small-scale association measures in epibenthic communities as a clue for allelochemical interactions Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Location of toxicity within the mediterranean sponge Crambe crambe (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Seasonal patterns of toxicity in benthic invertebrates: The encrusting sponge Crambe crambe (Poecilosclerida) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...