Palatability and chemical defences of benthic cyanobacteria to a suite of herbivores Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Can light intensity cause shifts in natural product and bacterial profiles of the sponge Aplysina aerophoba? Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
The potential of trait-based approaches to contribute to marine conservation Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Response of different benthic habitats to off-shore fish cages Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Genetic structure and diversity of the endangered bath sponge Spongia lamella Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Environmental Heterogeneity and Microbial Inheritance Influence Sponge-Associated Bacterial Composition of Spongia lamella Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Out of sight, out of mind: Threats to the marine biodiversity of the Canary Islands (NE Atlantic Ocean) Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Species, trophic, and functional diversity in Marine Protected and non-Protected Areas Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
A freak storm in the spotlight: the significant petty effects of a once-in-50-years storm on shallow rocky communities Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Possible impact of Sant Esteve's storm on the intereactions between sponges, sea urchins and erect algae in a subtidal community of the Costa Brava Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Advances in sponge science: physiology, chemical and microbial diversity, biotechnology Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Ancient animals, new challenges: developments in sponge research Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Relationship between genetic, chemical, and bacterial diversity in the Atlanto-Mediterranean bath sponge Spongia lamella Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...
Temporal trends in the secondary metabolite production of the sponge Aplysina aerophoba Descargar Artículo Continuar Leyendo...